Annnnnd, the run of bad luck continues. I just got a call from the doctor and they got the results back from Aaron's mole biopsy. There are pre-cancer cells in it, so they have to go back in and cut more out. They need to make sure they got it all out and send the new batch in for more tests. Poor little guy...He's going to freak out when I tell him. He had a horrible time with the first removal and stitches. :( But I'm so glad I took him in when I scary! It's crazy that cancer cells could already be starting up in a little mole on a 4 year old!
*note* This will be the third set of stitches for the Brimhall family in less than a month. Sigh.
So, in honor of this occasion, I wanted to post this picture about moles and what to look for.

See the one second from the bottom? That's what Aaron's looked like. Along with the irregular border one. Blend the two pictures together and that was his mole. So, check your moles, and your kids moles! (Why is mole such a gross word!?! I cringe every time I type it!) The sooner you can catch it the better! The end.
8 people leaving some love!:
YIKES! How awful. Good luck with this next round
That is kind of scary. Since he has cancerous cells at 4, does that give him a higher likelihood for melanoma in general or is it just this one fluke mole?
Yeeesh! Poor Aaron. I should probably get a mole on my shoulder checked I wish I had insurance!!
I'm so sorry!!! Not is that not fun for Aaron but it is not fun for you who has to love and take care of him!!! I hope all goes well! I will be praying for you guys!!!
Wow, I should probably pay attention to moles more! Poor guy, does he get pick out his favorite treat afterwards?
yikes. I should probably get my moles checked too.
Scary!! I've been meaning to have several of my own moles checked for the longest time.
Must. Do. It. Now!!!
Hope Aaron handles round 2 OK. Poor guy. :(
Poor guy. OUr offfice has a numbing cream we put on little kids before the shot so it's not so painful for him. Maybe your doctor can do the same.
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