Welcome to NatSprat! Are you here looking for these Star Wars Minimalist Prints? You can find them in my etsy shop HERE! It's only $15 for all 5! That's only $3 each! If you only want a few of them, let me know which ones you want and I will be happy to do a custom listing for you. :) Thanks so much!


8 people leaving some love!:
what a rock star are you!
These are awesome!!!!
So this is what you do with all your freetime being away from Facebook huh? I'd love you to email them to me. Now that we're having a boy, I feel all this pressure to "boy'i'fy" stuff. Merry Christmas!
Hi there! These are absolutely perfect for my boys room. Even my crazy Star Wars loving hubby thinks they're great. Can you please send me the link? Thanks sooooo much.
I have frames all ready. You don't have a contact me spot that I can leave my email in a non public forum. How can you send the jpegs? I am really excited. My 2 year old makes R2D2 noises when he sees it. I am also going to try my hand at a PB like quilt. He love R2D2 so I figured I'd make an R2D2 outline and stitch on his decals and stitch that on to a plain navy quilt. Then make the star wars pillow case and a decorative pillow using Jedi font.
@ Gretchan
You can email me your email address at natspratblog@yahoo.com! I'll get the jpegs sent right to you! I'm so happy you like them! :) I can't wait to see what you come up with, the bedding sounds like an awesome idea! I'd love to see it when you're done, I've been wanting to try something similar, but I have no clue where to even start!
What?!?!? No Han Solo!!
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