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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fire Ant Mayhem

I was going to make some peanut butter and honey sandwiches for lunch, and I couldn't find the honey because Michael decided to re-arrange the kitchen. He had put some of the food from our overflowing pantry into the kitchen cupboards and the honey was now in the cupboard. He noticed that there was a fire ant on the honey and thought that was a little odd. So, he had another look around and discovered that our cupboard had been overrun with fire ants! They were crawling all over EVERYTHING! It looks like they were getting in through the wall somehow, because there was a constant flow of them and there weren't any ant trails anywhere else in the kitchen. It was such a mess. We took out everything that we could and shook off as many of the ants as we could into the sink and chopped them up with the garbage disposal but they just kept coming and coming and crawling out of bags and boxes! I threw away a ton of stuff because it just wasn't worth the fight and then sprayed down the trash can with raid so they wouldn't get out. We got as much stuff out of the cupboard as we could so that we could spray the areas where it looked like they were getting in and then smashed as many of them as we could on the counter and everywhere else trying to not get bitten. Now we have the cabinet emptied out but it seems the dead ants just keep growing and growing in number. There are hundreds of dead ants in there. It's so disgusting! I HATE those stupid little things!!! We can't even play in our own backyard because of them, and now they're invading our house. Not only are they getting into the kitchen, but there is literally a pile of dead fire ants in front of the back door and all along the floor from the door following the wall. Hundreds of them! Thankfully they're dying soon after they get inside, but it's still just frustrating that they keep getting in. These thing are vicious little buggers that cause nothing but trouble and I am sick to death of them! I feel like I'm back in Moses' day and it's the plague that nobody mentioned. We're wondering if they're so bad right now because of the hurricane? Oh! Speaking of, look what these things do when it floods. They all group together in a pile and float around! A friend told me to watch out for floating mounds of ants and I thought she was kidding. Nope....not kidding.

I miss the days of walking around barefoot in the backyard. Heck, I miss just being able to play in the backyard! Whitney refuses to play outside because last time she did she had fire ants crawling up her legs and back and all the way up to her face! Now, she's a little traumatized. (That's why we got the trampoline...which is now was the only way she'd play outside since the ants couldn't get her.) I miss picnics and sitting in the grass. I miss the days of not carrying around benadryl cream in my purse to put on ant bites when we go to the park. (sigh) Did I mention I don't like fire ants???

9 people leaving some love!:

The Mursets said...

That is TERRIBLE! Good luck getting them out of the house at least!

The Yoder's Five said...

Yikes, we have ants, too (those little "sugar ants". Luckily they won't bite). They come swarming out whenever they discover food that Madelyn has left on the floor. I have been using our little handheld vaccuum to get rid of them. It works really well, you should try it.

Natalie said...

ooh, good idea Melissa! I'll have to try that. Or maybe a flame thrower...wait, no, bad idea. ;)

The Brock Family said...

I would seriously have a hard timne dealing with that! I hate bugs of all kinds! I pay good money every month to have my house sprayed for bugs. Have you tried that?

Natalie said...

Yup. We pay $75 each time they come! But they still get in somehow. Argh!

Chris said...

Texas fire ants are definitely not a pleasant experience.
I remember once when I was a kid I wasn't paying attention & played near a mound & they crawled all over my feet & legs. Oooh how they sting & make little pustules where they bite you. You get use to noticing their mounds & learn to stay away when your a kid.
They don't like water so when it rains they come out of the ground in mounds.
Yuck! Be careful.

mmmandy! said...

I can't believe that you have a fire ant infestation IN YOUR HOUSE! That's horrible! And I had no idea that they could float around like that!

I should give you the name of our bug guy. He does a really good job- never really had any bug issues since he started coming and he's a member of the church. He actually treats our yard with this fire ant stuff. It costs more $, but it's not that much more than what you said you're already spending. We've had no problems with mounds in our yard. Whatever it is that he spreads around WORKS! Anyway- if you're interested email me!

Hope they're gone soon.

Diana said...

Oh yuck! I HATE bugs so I know how you feel and especially when they get in your house. Last night as I was trying to fall asleep I heard this buzzing noise which I thought was my phone but when I turned on the light I saw a huge squash bug right by my pillow! Luckily I was sleeping on Nick's pillow because he is out of town. I got the bug out but it took me two hours to fall asleep...on the couch I couldn't go back our bed. I don't like bugs! Why do they have to come into our houses!?!

Kathy said...

Hey Nat! This is Dave. I grew up with those nasty little boogers. My dad would poke a hole in the top of their mound then fill the hole with gas. When you light the gas you see some great "fire" ants.