Saturday, October 29, 2011

Another Surgery for Stephen. :(

Hello from BEAUUUUTIFUL California! I'm here for my little brother's wedding and I've got to tell you, I am just LOOOVING it here! We are in a place called Clements and it is just gorgeous. I'll tell you all about it later and include pictures of our adventures, but right now I've got something else on my mind.

Stephen will be going in for another brain surgery on November 2nd. The surgeon didn't get as much of the brain tumor as originally thought, so they need to go in and try again. They have discovered that the type of cancer he has is very aggressive (ATRT), so there is no time to wait. Unfortunately, when they operate again, they are going to have to operate around the part of the brain that controls speech, sight and motor skills...really important things. He will be flying out to St. Jude in Memphis, where he will be in very good hands. After the surgery, he will have about 10 days to recover, and after that he will start 6 weeks of radiation therapy. *sniff sniff* Please continue to keep him in your prayers!

I have been working like crazy on your necklaces! I will start getting them sent out within the next week or so! :)

Thank you for all of your love, support and prayers! I really do have the best blog BFF's in the WORLD!



  1. Hi Natalie! It was so good to meet you and your sweet family this weekend. Cara is a lucky girl! :) Wish we had more time to get to know each other better. Love your blog!

  2. Poor little Stephen. Thanks for drumming up so much support for the little guy!

    Can't wait to hear more about Josh and Cara's wedding!

  3. Lifting little Stephen up in prayer as well as those operating on him and those responsible for his aftercare. Trusting in God's plan for this little boy as I know He has already used Stephen to touch many people he doesn't even know.


I read each and every comment and they totally make my day! Thanks for stopping by NatSprat!