Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Update on Stephen: {Surgery Round Two}

Just wanted to update that Stephen's second brain surgery went well! The doctors found that they didn't get as much of the tumor out as originally thought, and they needed to get back in quickly as his cancer seems to be aggressive. It was very nerve-wrecking because the part of the brain that would be operated on is the part that controls his sight, speech, and other fine motor functions of his left side. Since he was born without his right hand and he is right handed, one slip there would be a very bad thing.

He was transferred to St. Jude in Memphis where he is in VERY good hands! They had quite the Halloween party in the hospital, I've never seen anything like it! It was just awesome.

They were able to get more tumor out, about the size of a pool ball! (!?!) How did that all fit in there!?! First there was the part the size of a large orange, and now a pool ball!?! No wonder he felt so miserable. :'( The doctors think they were able to get pretty much all of it out this time. *crossing fingers* And so far there are NO signs of paralysis.

He has been such a little trooper! Yesterday his parents put up a cute video clip of him playing in the toy room at the hospital. They asked him what the doctors were going to do and he said something along the lines of "they are going to open my brain up and take all of the owies out." It was so cute and sad at the same time.

So, thank you for your continued prayers and happy thoughts! I know they are being heard! :)

And don't worry, I haven't forgotten all of my craft friends out there! I've got a felt monster plush tutorial coming soon! :) (If you liked the felt owl plush, you'll LOVE this one, too! )



  1. I don't know you or your family, but I've been following your posts on your nephew. My prayers for a full and speedy recovery are with Stephen.

  2. Oh my goodness. I'm so glad that things are looking up. He is such a strong little guy. And, I think you are awesome for blogging about him and helping raise money to go toward his medical bills. Seriously...You're a saint!

  3. I'm so glad to hear that his surgery went well! David's cousin lost a son to cancer when he was four, but they would call him Superman because that's what he loved, besides being super. I think every kids that goes through what Stephen's going through deserves to be called a super hero. Or maybe since he loves Star Wars, he can be a Jedi.

  4. Still thinking of little Stephen! Hope all continues to go well and just happy recovery from here on out!

  5. I can't even imagine watching a child have to go through all of this! I've been following all of the posts, and each time I ache inside for him. I pray for a speedy recovery. And also for the family, since I know it has to be so difficult on them.


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