Saturday, October 22, 2011

Stephen: post surgery update with pictures! :)

Hi Friends and family! For those of you who are following along with Stephen's journey, I thought you might enjoy these pictures! These are all from the past few days, and they are just so heartwarming! You can really see what a sweet little boy he is!

After they took the tubes out of him, he had one simple request. Ice cream. He is a boy after my own heart. :) He downed the entire thing. I can only imagine how good it must have tasted after being on a clear liquid diet for so long...

Taking a stroll with Mom. You can see how his little face is swollen from the surgery (which is normal).

He is a big Star Wars fan and some VERY special visitors came to see him! CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW AWESOME THIS WOULD BE!?! WOW. Darth Vader couldn't make it...because, as we all know, he was killed in the last movie.

Killing time colorfully...Star Wars style. ;) Oh my gosh, I love this kid! :)

Yup, more ice cream!

His Aunt gave a little background on Stephen for me, I thought it was very fitting to include in this post!

"Sweet Stephen has been through a lot in his 6 years. He was abandoned and left on the doorstep of a Chinese orphanage as a baby. He is missing his right arm, due to an amniotic band in utero. If he'd have stayed in China, he would not have had access to an education, as he has a physical disability. My sister and BIL adopted him and he's been a part of our family for 4.5 wonderful years now. He had to have pretty intensive speech intervention also. He's a special, brave little boy who brings so much happiness to our family. The thought of losing him tore my heart out. Please continue prayers for him and his parents. They've got a long way to go, but we have absolutely witnessed a miracle!"

He is a VERY special little boy. Thank you for all of your continued prayers!



  1. I have been praying about Stephen since you first posted about him. I am so happy you posted the pictures of him. What a sweetheart!

  2. I have been following your blog for a couple weeks now and am so moved by your sweet nephew's journey. I'll be praying for his recovery and for the wonderful parents that adopteted this precious little boy. He has had a second chance at life because of your wonderful family falling their call to adoption.

  3. Thanks for the updates on Stephen! What a sweet boy and we are so lucky to have him in our family. How awesome that some Storm Troopers came to visit! :D

  4. What a sweet little boy! It breaks my heart when children have to deal with such difficult things! I hope he has a quick recovery!


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