Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Twined Egg Tutorial


I am definitely getting the Spring itch! I can see blades of my day lilies starting to poke up, the birds are singing and it's slowly but surely getting warmer. So...it's time to start Springifying the house. Yes, that is a word.

I brought in our Easter decorations and found this big bag of plastic Easter eggs. I've seen lots of those tutorials for twine wrapped Easter eggs, so I tried my hand at it and I love the way they turned out! Here's a quick tutorial, they're really easy.

Here are the supplies. Glue gun/glue sticks, plastic Easter eggs, and twine!

Put a little glue on the end of the egg and stick the twine to it. Start to wrap the twine around in a circle gluing as you go. (If you do a big wavy pattern instead of a straight line, you can wrap more quickly)

Keep gluing and wrapping as you go...

and when you get to the end, snip the twine and you're done!

Now, you can leave them plain twine, or you can spray paint them any color you want. You can use regular acrylic paints, too. I've seen them in so many fun colors!

I made a handful of them and put them in this beautiful white...bowl...thing. I just bought it at the local thrift store for 25 cents! The coolest thing about these twined eggs is that you can put them in ANYTHING and they look cute! I put them in a clear vase with the decorative green moss grassy stuff (thank you Dollar Tree) and it looked good, too.

I have some other changes coming up, I'm really excited about them!



  1. Oh goodness...I have a huge bag of plastic eggs and big ball of twine...I know what I'm doing this weekend :)

  2. Oh I love them and that bowl-thingy is to die for!!!!!

  3. Oh paint them!! yes, yes, yes!!! I already made myself some plastic twine eggs the other day but never thought to spray paint them! Adorable!

  4. You are cranking out the tutorials, girl!! I love how well used/loved your hot glue gun is. :)

    Btw, the spreadable butter idea is genius!

  5. Ok, I am DYING over this.. SO.DARLING. Thank you for the wonderful idea :)

  6. these are super cute...i pinned them onto Pinterest!

  7. So cute! And I can't believe you got that bowl for $.25!!!!

  8. Can I tell you just how much I LOVE this project?! It's right up my alley!

  9. I love this idea! I have everything needed for this project, so I think I need to go ahead and make these.... ;)

    I'm your newest follower! Stop by my blog sometime--I'd love to have you as a follower, as well! :)


  10. I'm totally going to make these.. hopefully before Easter.

  11. I didn't know you could make these with plastic Easter eggs- in love, deep love! And hooray for the spray paint! I never find good stuff at thrift stores,I think it's a gift that you either have or don't. I do not have the gift of thrifting, so maybe you should be my personal thrift shopper? That bowl is awesome!
    Awesome project!

  12. I just stumbled accross your blog last night. Hope you don't mind, I may be your newest blogstalker. :) These eggs are SO cute and SO easy! I am going to go pick up supplies today and try it out! Thanks for the cute idea!


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