Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Make Your Own Butter Spread

I love butter. I don't love that it's about a dollar per stick. But I found a way to get the buttery taste I love, make it spreadable, and stretch out my pennies!

We were invited to eat lunch at a friend's house after church last Sunday. She made the most delicious turkey and barley soup I have ever had and we had french bread with it. She got out this Tupperware container from the fridge and said it was butter spread that she had made. An I tell you what, it was SOOOOO good! I could have eaten it by the spoonful. She got the recipe from a good friend who is a nutritionist, so it's healthy. I begged her to give me the recipe and I made some yesterday and we have enjoyed snacking on french bread with home made butter spread today! I thought I'd tell you how to make it since it's pretty much my new obsession. You won't believe how easy it is to make!

You will need:

1 stick of butter
1/2 cup of canola oil.

(You can use however many sticks of butter you want, it's just equal parts butter and canola oil.)

You let the butter get to room temperature, and then put it in the blender or mixer or whatever and you blend it all up until it's smooth. Put it in a container and store it in the fridge, and THAT'S IT!!!

I had NOOOO idea there was canola oil in it! I hate the taste of canola oil! But I swear, you can't taste it! It tastes JUST like butter and it spreads out so smooth. MMMMMM.




  1. I am definately trying this! Such a good idea. I really like using real butter, but it's so hard to spread.

  2. I've been doing this for over 2 years now. I love it! So much cheaper than Land of Lakes spreadable and it tastes just as good. Great that your sharing it Nat

  3. You may try using something other than canola (like olive)...just because this is from a nutritionist, doesn't mean it's "healthy". There are many reasons not to use canola oil, including GMOs and the Omega3 to Omega6 ratio).

    Check out:




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