Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I'm In Love With A Vacuum. SERIOUSLY.

We have gone through 3 vacuums in the 10 years we've been married. Isn't that lame? I don't know what happens...but the motor just dies, and it would be more expensive to fix the darn thing than to just get a new one. And I think I have actually hated every vacuum I've had...especially the last one we just had that died last week. I'm not kidding, when it started smoking I started jumping and clapping my hands! The belt was fine...but the motor died and my husband is too busy to fix it. So, I got a new one! YAAAAAY! And I have to say, I am SERIOUSLY in love with this vacuum. It's the Hoover Windtunnel Pet Rewind Vacuum. If I were a single vacuum, I would marry it. It even winds up the cord with just the push of a button! (This is what sold my husband on this vacuum...I hardly ever wind up cords...it drives him crazy.) And I was expecting it to be loud when I turned it on, but it's actually really quiet! The kids don't even run to their rooms screaming! And it actually works on bare floors like tile and hardwood. It doesn't just shoot stuff out from the back at your feet at hundreds of miles an hour. It sucks it up with no problem. And I can't believe all of the crap it sucked up after just the first vacuuming!!! And I had just vacuumed 2 days before! I mean, there was so much dirt in there, (DIRT mind you!!! Not carpet fluff!) I couldn't believe it. I can't believe we'd been walking around on that for so long. *eeeew* OH! And it's so easy to empty! You just take out the canister, push the lever on the top, and the bottom flips open and everything dumps out. It's AWESOME! I LOOOOVE this vacuum. :) And now, back to your regular scheduled programming.



  1. A good vacuum is essential! We just got a Dyson, and I must say it is wonderful. :)

  2. perfect timing, girl! Just y'day the hubby gave me the okay to buy a new vacuum and I am seriously giddy but don't even know where to start! We've had the same vacuum for about 12 years and it's just not sucking anymore which sucks! I will definitely take a look at the one you just got! Thanks!

  3. Good to know , I will be needing a new vacuum soon & this one sounds good !

  4. We're using my husband's old vacuum from college....I can't get it to crap out! Thanks for the review!


  5. We just got a new one too! I've only had to use it once because Mark loves wielding all the manly power. It's awesome.


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