Sunday, March 20, 2011


How many of you are "Gleeks"? I have to admit, I don't watch the TV show, but I am OBSESSED with the music! I could seriously listen to it ALL DAY and never get sick of it. And truth be told, I think a lot of their songs are even better than the originals. I just heard these two this week...LOOOOOOVE. They just make me so happy! :) What are your favorite Glee songs???



  1. I'm pretty sure I have loved every song they have sang. They could sing the phonebook and I would buy it.

  2. I'm obsessed with Glee! I'm paying 120 dollars to see them this summer! I want Finchel to get back together. Gotta love the Journey songs.

  3. Natalie,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I hope you will come back soon:)

    I will try to get the key lime recipe posted asap! It is SUPER easy and yummmmmmmy!

    Have a great week!

  4. I know the name of it, but I think it's A Loser Like Me. The original they sang last week. Such a great show!

  5. Love, love, love Glee!!! Give me more!

  6. 100% Gleek here, through and through. And my favorite songs this season? The two that you posted. Twins, Natalie, TWINS.

    Truly, is there anything Gwyneth can't do? I fully agree with you, most often the Glee version is better than the original. I have fallen out of love with the story line this season but hooray for DVRs and fast-forwarding to the good stuff: the music.

  7. My favorite is Dream On that Mr. Shue sings with Neil Patrick Harris. Love it! I used to watch the show, but got disgusted with it and quit.

  8. I love any song Artie sings. I just love his voice. I really loved his take on Billy Idol's Dancing with Myself from the first season.


I read each and every comment and they totally make my day! Thanks for stopping by NatSprat!