Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Where's The Love, Yo?
I am just about in tears. Seriously. I just need to vent a little. You all already know I've decided to home school Whitney. I don't have anything against public school and I don't think that parents who send their kids to public school are evil. I think public school is great! I know the kids have a lot of fun, I know the teachers are wonderful and the kids absolutely adore them. I know they have fun playing out on the playground for recess and playing with their friends. I know there are tons of fantastic things about public school. I absolutely loved my elementary school! But I want to home school, and that's what Whitney said she wanted, too. I asked her over and over if she was serious that she wanted to home school, because if she wanted to go to public school she could. In fact, on our first day of it, we had a really hard time with her penmanship and she was frustrated and put her pencil down and refused to try again. I was frustrated and I just gave up and said, "I just can't do this, Whitney. I think we'll need to send you to public school." And Whitney seriously started to cry and she threw her arms around me and told me that she didn't want to. She wanted to home school and me to be her teacher. And then I realized that this was for real, that this is what SHE wanted and it wasn't so much about my decision at all. So, that is why we are home schooling. I prayed about it and I felt peaceful about it. The part that I'm having the hardest time with is the lack of support. The strange looks from people who ask when her first day of kindergarten starts and I tell them we're home schooling and we've already started. I can't believe how many people, even my friends, who have flat out told me I'm crazy. That Whitney is going to be socially backwards. (Okay, do they even KNOW Whitney? She has NO problem there!) They've told me that I don't have the qualifications to be a teacher. That there is NO way home schooled children can be as smart as other school children. (Again, Whitney has been reading since she was three. She can do addition and subtraction. Obviously I must be doing something right) On and on and on...and it seriously cuts me to the soul! I have spent hours and hours researching different curriculum to see what will be best. I have put HUNDREDS of dollars into supplies and books. I have given up my personal alone and free time that I would have while the kids are at school. I have the responsibility of now being a mom, a wife, a cook, a maid AND a teacher. Shouldn't I get some credit for SOMETHING!?! I'm not some government hating hippie who is convinced that public school is going to slowly turn my child into a Nazi-like spawn. I'm not trying to shelter my child from the world and holding her hostage in my house so she doesn't get corrupted. I just love my Whitney. I WANT to spend the time with her. I WANT to be with her and teach her. I don't want summer to come and to think, "Oh my gosh, I can't wait until school starts again so the kids are out of my hair." I know it's hard work. I know it takes a lot of time. I've thought it over and over and over and prayed about it again and again. I didn't jump into this with my eyes closed and I wish people would just understand that. So, hopefully, through our home schooling experience I can show the rest of the world that home school CAN be a good thing. That kids CAN turn out normal. That we ARE NOT FREAKS. Okay, I need to go finish crying now. Thanks for letting me vent. :)
For the record I think it's pretty awesome that your homeschooling Whitney! Oh and I'm pretty sure your doing an amazing job! :)
ReplyDeleteNatalie! I think you are awesome for doing home schooling. I wish that I had the patience and skills to be able to teach my girls what they need to know. I know without a doubt that your precious Whitney will turn out just fine and that she will be as brilliant in the future (thanks mainly to the time you are spending with her) as she is now. You are doing an amazing job with your family. Please don't let anyone bring you down and make you second guess your decision. It will probably be the best decision you will make for your little girl. It really makes me very sad that people, even your friends, would make such rude comments to you about this.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could give you a hug right now!
Walk tall girl and be confident in your decision. People will always have their opinions and so will you! Life is too short to hang out with people who don't support you regardless of how they feel. You will do great work with your babies.
ReplyDeleteThere are a ton of bloggers that home school. I follow this one and a few others
ReplyDeleteOh Nat! I'm so sorry you are catching flack from people. Home schooling is a personal choice, and if that's what YOU feel at peace, than that's what you need to do. I don't feel I could home school. I feel that my kids do a much better job in public school. Molly has always done awesome in school, and loves going to school. Don't let people make you feel bad for the decision you feel is best for you and your family! You're doing a great job with Whitney!!!
ReplyDeleteI think you are an amazing mom!! Choosing to do the right thing for your child, even though it is hard and time consuming. You should be commended for the choice you and your family have made. I know I couldn't do it, but you are so patient and kind with your kids. They are so lucky to have you. Kick those crappy, unsupporting friends in the butt :)
ReplyDeleteUmmm Hello People! That is so totally lame that people call your crazy! I think you are so smart for doing this. And I have always heard of home schooled kids being AHEAD of class. You are awesome, and I admire you. Hang in there!
ReplyDeleteIf anyone can do it - you can. I totally understand why you're homeschooling and Whitney is already way ahead! I know there will be bumps in the road but it will be worth it. Love you, Natty!
ReplyDeleteNatalie, I have been where you are and I still get looks. In fact, someone that I thought of as a very dear friend, told me that High School was to hard and I wasn't smart enough to teach it. Those things hurt us when they are said....With that said, know this, God has equipped you to raise and teach your children in the best way that you see fit. He does not give you anything that you can't handle. I know you will do a fantastic job with it. I will say that if you can, find a support group in your area, not so much as for the kids but us moms need the support of other homeschoolers!
ReplyDeleteYou are doing what's right for your family & that's wonderful!
ReplyDeleteYou are totally breaking stereo types. Those people were not red heads were they? Oh, wait that was a stereo type :D
I have decided that in life, there is one matter what you do, someone isn't going to like it. AND that there are those that feel a need to tell you about it. Go figure....You just need to remember that you are the parent and you receive the inspiration for YOUR chidren, not them. I think you will do just fine! Good luck and keep us posted on how it goes.
ReplyDeleteWill you homeschool my daughter too when she's old enough? Just kidding there...a little bit, but I do mean to say that you are obviously a very gifted teacher and you will do an amazing job...said the former school teacher! I have experience and I can see that you are doing an awesome job! Public school might end up being frustrating and holding her back anway! She's obviously very gifted. I think it's really moving when any parent puts their children above their own needs in such a huge way as homeschooling! It's really obviously a huge gift of your time and talent to your daughter! Kudos.