Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Aaron!!!

My Little Man turned three. I can't believe it! Time has flown so fast, and somehow I feel like I've missed so much because I can't remember every single moment. I remember finding out we were expecting with him and how happy we were. I remember being in the hospital at 36 weeks with a double kidney infection and wishing I could just have him while I was there and get it over with. I remember finally going into labor with him 6 weeks later when he was 2 weeks late. I remember the sound of his first cry and holding him for the first time.

I remember wishing that I would have taken him into Grandpa Wally's hospital room so he could have seen him when we were waiting in the waiting room. I remember him being my comfort when Grandpa Wally died a week later, and how good it felt to just hold him close and cry. I remember having to pull over every 2 hours to feed him on that long drive from Colorado to Texas and thinking the trip would never end. I remember how hyper he would get when he was a chunky monkey baby and he'd flail his arms like he was going to fly away and the sound of his squeaky giggle. I remember him taking his first steps at Grandma and Grandpa Brimhall's house.

And suddenly...

he's 3 years old!!! Oh how I love my Aaron. He is a tenderhearted boy who will cry at the drop of a hat. He was sent to teach me patience, and I'm learning. He loves to snuggle. He loves all things BOY, and loves to play with Whitney. He loves peanut butter and honey bear sandwiches and yogurt. He's my little man and my big helper, and I am so happy and blessed to have him in my life. Happy Birthday, my Aaron! I love you!!!


  1. Happy B-day Aaron! That last picture of him is so darling!

  2. So sweet. I love all your memories.

  3. Handsome little man! It's amazing how long pregnancy seems to last (ha was 2 weeks late?!? Blah!!), but then time goes so quickly once they're born. Happy b-day Aaron!

  4. He is a good looking little boy! He's just the right age for Lily. He'll be coming home from his mission! ;)

  5. Happy birthday, little man! I love that little guy - even with a scowl :)


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