Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Update on Stephen

Hello, friends and family. Right now, as I type, little Stephen is in an operating room. It hurts to just think of him right now. Surgeons standing over him operating on his little head. I can't imagine how hard it must have been for Brent and Amber, watching them wheel him away, not knowing if they would see him alive again, not knowing what kind of effect the surgery would have on him. I can't even hold back the tears. My heart just aches for them. How do you tell your little child that he may die? How do you tell him goodbye? How do you let go of his hand? How do you break your gaze from his face as he leaves down the hall?

After another 3 hour long MRI yesterday, they discovered that the tumor most likely originated inside of his brain. And with a little 6 year old brain and a tumor the size of a large orange it just doesn't look good. Please, PLEASE, say a special prayer for them today. We don't know what God has planned for this little boy, whether he will be called home or whether he will be a living miracle. But either way, please pray. Pray that the doctors hands will be guided as they operate, pray that his little body will be strong. Pray especially for the family, that they will feel God's loving arms around them to comfort them in this most difficult of times.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!

For Stephen's POST-SURGERY update, click HERE!



  1. I posted this to FB. Hopefully we can get a prayer chain going quickly.

  2. Oh my word, I'm bawling. What an awful, awful thing cancer is. Words can't even express what I'm feeling right now. God has plans for this little boy that are beyond our understanding. Just trust that it will all make sense some day. Praying, praying, praying...

  3. Posted to FB as well - hopefully we can get the prayers coming in to give this family some comfort. Please keep us posted :( so horribly sad.


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