Sunday, October 16, 2011

Prayer Request {personal}

This is a very hard post to write. No crafts or tutorials, something that is so much more meaningful and important. I know so many of you who are good, faithful Christians, and I humbly ask for your help.

Today I got a call from my mom who was in tears. My cousin and his wife received some heartbreaking news yesterday. Their 6 year old son, Stephen Chow has been having horrible headaches for the past month or so. They took him to the doctor where he was given antibiotics, assuming it was some sort of a virus. The headaches continued. Yesterday, they took him into an eye doctor where they discovered that his optic nerves were very swollen. This prompted an MRI, where they discovered a brain tumor the size of a large orange. He will be having surgery to relieve the swelling. Please, keep them in your prayers, I know without a doubt that God hears them and He will answer.

In the meantime, hold your little ones. Don't waste time on meaningless things, and cherish EVERY moment you have. Keep the Lord at the center of your life and never lose faith, He is our Creator and is aware of our every need. Trust in His TIMING, rely on His PROMISES, wait for His ANSWERS, rejoice in His GOODNESS and believe in His MIRACLES. Thank you all! I love you!!!

For Stephen's surgery update, click HERE.



  1. praying for this little one and for your family....(((hugs)))

  2. Your nephew and family will be in my prayers

  3. Praying so very hard for him, Natalie. I just linked to him in my post tonight. What a hard time for so many people.

  4. Oh Nat... my heart is aching for your family right now. I am SO sorry that you all are going through this, and your poor, sweet nephew... it always upset me so much to hear about little ones who are hurting. I will be lifting you all up in my prayers tonight. Please keep us posted on his progress. I am going to be giving Emma EXTRA hugs and kisses tomorrow!!!!!


  5. we are sending tons of hugs and prayers to little Nat and everyone in your family. this is such a difficult time and i know that God will get this blessed little boy through this and give all of the family the strength that they need. stay strong and give out tons of hugs always! (hugs) to you all

  6. Prayers for your family and that sweet little guy! There will be long days and bumpy roads ahead, but that always seems like when God makes HImself more visible ... as long as you are looking for Him.

  7. Praying away. What a horrible thing for a family to have to go through - I cannot even imagine. The lord will never give someone something they can't handle.

  8. No one should ever have to suffer from cancer, but it happens. I will add Stephen to my prayer circle. Please take a moment to read Joel's story. He was 4 when he was diagnosed and he is now 6 and doing well. ( His grandparents are members of our church. Sometimes it helps to hear about someone who's walked the road ahead of you.

    53 yr old female - had cancer twice - once at 25 and once at 49 and beat it twice.


I read each and every comment and they totally make my day! Thanks for stopping by NatSprat!