Thursday, May 7, 2009

Special Delivery!

She's here!!! They induced me on Tuesday morning and everything went very well! We had to be at the hospital at 4 a.m., which I thought was a joke at first...but she was serious. So, we got there at 4 and they started the pitocin around 5 a.m. The contractions started sometime around 6:30, and around 8:30 I decided it was time to try an epidural. I hadn't gotten one with Whitney or Aaron, so I was pretty nervous. Turns out, it was one of the BEST things I've ever done!!! I didn't feel anything, not even the numbing shot! Then, an hour and a half later it was time to push. I pushed for about 10 minutes and she was here, just as cute as can be! Seriously, it was like, the best labor EVER! I can't believe I just had a baby...I feel great! (We'll see if I'm singing a different tune in a few days when the zombie stage hits.)

Baby Kate was born at 10:37 a.m. She is a tiny little 5 lb. 14 ouncer, 18 inches long, and has a great set of lungs. She's absolutely precious and we just love her! I can't believe how tiny she is, every time I pick her up I'm just amazed. She has to wear preemie diapers and clothes! The take home outfit I brought her was about twice her size, it was hilarious!

Michael absolutely adores her and has nicknamed her Nano-Kate and Microbaby. Which, if you can remember my previous post about his list of baby names, are quite tame. He's such a great dad, it's so cute to see him with her, it make me just melt! :)

My mother in law is here to help out and I don't know what I'd have done without her! The kids absolutely adore her and it is just such a blessng to have her here! Speaking of the kids, they seem to be adjusting well. Aaron was kind of weirded out yesterday and it took him a little while to let me hold him or hug him, but he seems to have bounced back to his good old crazy self. Whitney is my big helper and she loves Kate to peices! So, things are going very well and we are so happy to have Kate here. Speaking of....sounds like my time is up. :)

P.S. Once again, the amazingly talented and wonderful Mandy took all the adorable pictures! Thanks, Manders!!!!


  1. Congratulations to ALL of you!!!
    Another adorable baby has joined the family, what a JOY!! Keep the pictures coming, we love being part of your lives that way.

  2. What a beautiful baby! I'm so happy that everything went well and I'm glad you went with the epidural. We love you guys!!!

  3. Kate is beautiful Nat!! Aren't epidurals the best? I'm glad everything went well. Love you!

  4. Wow-that labor and delivery story sounds too good to be true! I am never even going to attempt having a baby without an epidural. You are brave to have done it twice!

    Kate is adorable, and I can't believe how much Whitney looks like you! Darling kids!!!

  5. Congratulations! She is adorable! I will email you soon, I promise! Love ya!

  6. I'm so happy your little Kate has finally arrived, she is precious! I hope you and the baby continue to do so well!

  7. Congrats Nat! She is beautiful! I can not believe how tiny she is. I wish you didn't live so far so I could help you and hold that sweet baby!

  8. Oh!!! She is perfect! I am so glad the delivery went so well!

  9. CONGRATULATIONS! Oh my gosh! YEAH! She is a tiny one alright! If she's anything like her siblings she'll pork right up. (Did you just say "Mmmm, pork!"? :-) Can't wait to see more pics. Wish we lived closer! Love you guys! Love, Julie

  10. Oh, yay! Congratulations! She's precious.


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