Tuesday, May 12, 2009

One Week Old

This picture is from my cell phone, so it's not the best quality...but it's still cute! Here she is one week old today! I can't believe it's already been a week! It's gone by sooooo fast. My mother-in-law went back to Colorado on Saturday. It was so nice to have her here! Michael is back to work and back to Kenpo, so life is back to normal. She's been sleeping really well at night so far. I've been getting 5 or 6 hours every night! She hardly ever cries, it's just little squeaks when she's hungry or poopy. And she falls right back asleep when I'm done feeding her so I'm not feeling like a zombie. Hopefully it sticks! She is just such a sweet little baby, we love her so much!


  1. That's awesome, Nat! I hope the good sleeping thing continues. She is adorable.

  2. LOVE her! She's the most gorgeous little thing! I'm so glad that she's being so nice to her mama.

    Seriously- such a great picture! And it's even better, here, than when I saw it on my phone! Off to go find another purpose in life than to be your photographer... My services aren't needed anymore. ;)

  3. She is so cute! I am so glad things are going so well. I am sure it is nice to have a good baby when you have 2 others to take care of!

  4. Holy Flower Headbead Batman! (Alright fine, but still really cute with the big flower head. You win.) :-)

  5. hahah, okay, so the flower does look like it's HUGE, but it's actually only about an inch and a half wide!!!

  6. my heart just melted. gotta go grab a bucket


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