Wednesday, February 25, 2009

R.I.P Little Fishy!

Remember about a year ago when I posted about how Whitney saved up her money to buy a fish? Well, yesterday we got home from dropping Michael off at work and a "quick" stop at Target to find our little Coral belly up. We had known it was coming for a while because the poor thing was having a hard time swimming and would just lay on the bottom of the bowl on it's side...but I didn't know what to do about it and I didn't want to kill we just patiently waited. Poor little Whitney, though! She was just heartbroken! It was the first time she's ever had a real emotional meltdown like that, and it was just so sad to watch. She wanted to call Mike at work to tell him and she just sobbed on the phone. We've never had a pet die before, so I wasn't sure how you're supposed to handle it, so my first method was to throw a Coral party. We had cake and ice cream and celebrated that she was now in animal heaven with Ginger (who was my family's dog growing up) and Guido (who was Michael's parent's evil cat) and of course Nemo's mommy and she was so happy there! I think Whitney felt a little better after the sugar high. Then we made a little box to bury Coral in and Whitney decorated it with stickers and wrote "I'll miss you, Coral!" on it. It was really cute and I wish I would have taken a picture of it- I tried but the camera died. We buried it this morning in the backyard (should have done it yesterday because it was already starting to...nevermind). Anyway, I just love my little tenderhearted Whitney. This has been a hard time for her, but it has given us a good chance to talk about death and life and how families are forever! And Coral will always have a special little place in our hearts. :)


  1. Oh that is so sad. It is a great learning opportunity for your little family though. I had a similar thing happen with my step son when I was married and it was hard on him to let his fish go as well but kids recover fast.

  2. Sad! I wish I could send Whitney a fish in the mail, but it probably would end up smashed with guts everywhere and scar her for life when she opened it :(

  3. Poor little fish, she lasted a long time though.

  4. Did you bury your dead camera along with Coral?

    I don't know what you're supposed to do either but sounds like you did the perfect thing.

    And Nemo's mom part. Hilarious. I always skip the first chpt. on that movie.

    Tell Whitney we love and miss her!

  5. That fishy must be the Methuselah of the aquatic world.

    I heart your Whitney...wonder where she gets that tender heart...

  6. OH sad! I remember when Ben and Melissa's fish "Mayor Washington" died. I mostly felt the worst, that was because I had left the bowl on the radiator, and it came on in the night, and pretty much boiled the poor little fish.

  7. What a cute idea to throw her a little party. Our little beta has been with us for almost a year, and I am surprised by that too. Whitney is so sweet.


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