Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day! I hope you all had a wonderful one! Ours was pretty great. I set up the table the night before so that when the kids woke up and came down the stairs they would see special valentine gifts for each of them. I LOVE the sound of their excitement first thing in the morning! Whitney shouted, "!" (totally sounded like a teenager) and it was just soooo cute! It's so fun to do special little things for them to let them know how much I love them and to bring their lives some joy. (Speaking of joy, the kids are playing outside right now and keep running back in with handfuls of clovers and dandelions for me...). Michael was pretty excited about the new drill he got this year (yes, that's a drill in the red gift bag, not lingere.) After they were done reading their cards and eating their chocolates, I made pink heart shaped pancakes with strawberry topping and whipped cream for breakfast. It was so fun!

I can remember waking up on Valentines Day when I was little and my mom always did something like this for us. She would make the cutest little heart shaped cakes and leave them on the piano for us to find in the morning, and every year for as long as I can remember she would give us those little heart shaped boxes of Russel Stover chocolates. She still sends a Valentines Day package for us every year with treats and chocolates. I'm so happy to have Valentines Day, and get to celebrate that wonderful thing called LOVE!

LOVE - a wildly misunderstood although highly desirable malfunction of the heart which weakens the brain, causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise and the lips to pucker. ~Author Unknown


  1. That is so sweet! You are such a great mommy.

  2. You sure put me in my place! And to think I said, "Valentine's Day is for the adults."

  3. What a cute Mom you are, making everything so special for your family. They will always have such good memories.

  4. What a cute mom you are. I would have never thought of that. I think you've given me some idea's for next year. Happy love month to you guy's!

  5. This was a really cute post. You're a super fun Mom. Miss you!


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