Monday, December 15, 2008

Drumroll Please....

Merry Christmas, everyone! Here's the long awaited belly picture! This is at 5 months along. :)
Thanks again, Mandy!


  1. Oh you look so beautiful Nat!! I think I'm going to cry. I wish we lived closer so I could see you through your whole pregnancy and then share in the fun of a new baby! Seriously you look great! Love ya & miss ya!

  2. Cute Natty! What a beautiful picture with a beautiful momma!

  3. Cute picture. I thought you were going to announce if you are having a boy or a girl or is it a surprise?

  4. You look beautiful. No Fare!
    I love the way she has you posed so that you are looking at your belly. Isn't it amazing what our bodies can do? Congratulations again. and Your little cuties in front of the Christmas Tree are adorable. Your friend has got some photographic talent. Love, Love the pictures.

  5. You are so gorgeous! I LOVE the picture! What are you having????

  6. You are so beautiful! That is a great pic! Can't wait to know whats in there!

  7. You do look beautiful, and what I want to know is, did you take that wonderful picture yourself? You are so talented, it wouldn't surprise me if you did.

  8. My friend Mandy took it for me. She's so talented! She took the picture of the kids by the tree, too!


I read each and every comment and they totally make my day! Thanks for stopping by NatSprat!