Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Picture

My AMAZING friend Mandy took this AMAZING picture of the kids for me today. I was over at her house because after my previous post she offered to do belly shots for me. (They'll be up soon!) Can you believe this is at her house just sitting in front of the tree? I swear it looks like a studio picture. She is so talented! I couldn't wait to share it with the world! Thanks, Mandy! :) Oh my gosh, I just LOVE my kids!!! *sigh*


  1. They look so professional! Help to have such gorgeous models...

  2. What an adorable picture!! I LOVE THEM!! You make such cute kids. Whitney looks so grown up!

  3. That is a very cute Christmas picture. Your kids could be little models!

  4. You're so nice. But, like the others said, it's not very hard to take good pictures of your beautiful kids!

  5. Love the picture! You have such CUTE CUTE CUTE kiddies!


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