Friday, March 9, 2012

Glitter Giveaway WINNER!

Ladies and Gentlemen, (though...I don't recall any Gentlemen entering this contest...haha)
We have a winner!


According to's Random Number Generator, the lucky winner is.....

Mica, my dear, you have 48 hours to email me (at which 2 colors you would like along with your mailing address! CONGRATULATIONS!



  1. Wahooo!!! I love glitter and am so happy that I won!!:)

    I am trying to find your email address and for some reason I can't find it? Could you direct me to where it is?!

    Thank you!

    -Mica S.

  2. Hi again! I'm sorry I keep looking for your email address on your blog and I still can't seem to find it!
    I would've emailed you already if I had it.
    So I tweeted you for your email address and hope you'll read it soon... I don't want to lose this giveaway by not finding your email address!

  3. Wow, I didn't realize all the glitter names were rock inspired. I guess you rock and not me. Oh well. Fitting that the winner is named Mica. (Can you tell what my husband does for a living? I'm such a nerd.) Maybe next time.


I read each and every comment and they totally make my day! Thanks for stopping by NatSprat!