Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Little Shopping Trip of Horrors.

Do you remember our Christmas Picture outtakes of Kate? If not...take a look. A goood, loooong look. It's a nice glimpse into my real life.


Well, this was the scene at Walmart yesterday while I was trying to go grocery shopping and pick up a prescription. I don't know what it is with this kid...but as soon as we get out into public she turns into an absolute TERROR. She refuses to sit in the cart (front OR back) and wants me to carry her through the store WHILE pushing a cart full of groceries (and usually with Aaron in the back of the cart). Which, as any parent knows, is impossible. She screeches this bloody murder cry which I'm pretty sure can be heard all the way to the Mexico border. And oh, the looks. THE LOOKS I get from people! Some looks of "Oh, that poor woman." And some of "That lady needs to give her kid a good smack across the face." And some "Wow...worst mother EVER" and the famous "I will NEVER have horrible kids like that" look. (I remember making that look....PSSSSHHH.) Yesterday, I literally left Walmart in tears. A woman gave me "the look" and do you know what I said? I said, "Please, lady, shoot me now." I was absolutely humiliated. It's like that EVERY time we go to ANY store. So, as of today, I vow to NEVER go to the store with Kate in hand. EVER. Until she's like...ten. The end.



  1. Oh my gosh, poor you! She sounds like a wild thing. LOL

    I have a daughter with paralyzed vocal cords so when she was a baby, I was SO nervous to take her out in case she'd cry(she's a baby, of COURSE she'd cry!) because of the looks I got from people!

    Now I just ignore her even though everyone's looking, it's just tantrums(22 mo.) and they can look till their eyes fall out! :)


  2. Everyone always vows to be that mother, WITHOUT the crying impossible kids...but it always happens. Oh the joys of Motherhood huh? I'm being that joy off for a while longer :)

  3. My daughter was like that, too. My boys were so well behaved in public as toddlers,but my daughter would try crawling down the conveyor belt with the groceries while her older brothers stood mortified!!

    They started saying they no longer wanted to go out in public with her because she would throw such fits! I remember getting "the looks" and being SO annoyed by them!

    The good news....she's an angel now and I prefer her company any day! :)

  4. I feel for you...totally been there! My son is a terror every time we have gone to Pier 1. Can you say small screaming "bull in a china shop"?? I avoid it with him. Hopefully you'll get to do some calm shopping soon!

  5. We have a VERY similar trip every time over here! I think it is virtually impossible to get through the store without at LEAST 1 or 2 tantrums. I've actually left the store with kids in tow, leaving my poor cart behind...Sad. Sometimes I just go to the store when they're in bed.

    Only the people without kids, or those whose kids are grown and they don't remember, have "the look". All I can do is just think "Just you wait until it's you!"

  6. I'm so sorry, Nat. You can leave her with me when you need to go anywhere. Really, do it.

  7. My son is JUST like that!! He's nearly 3 so I'm hoping he's almost out of that phase. I love how every time someone has to respond to him like he's being mistreated...puh-lease give me a break! I've found that lately giving him a piece of gum(or candy) and letting him bring in his favorite small toy, or letting him play games on my phone helps keep the tantrums at bay a little.

  8. Wow, this is the third grocery shopping (with toddlers) horror story I've read on a blog this week!!

    And I SO know what you mean about your kid not sitting in the cart. Luke is the same way and I swear one of these days he's going to fall and crack his head open at the grocery store. He's not a big screamer, but if I stop for even two seconds, he's trying to climb out of the cart or wiggle out of my arms. UGH!!!

    And then at Walmart especially, the checkers just kind of watch you struggle without trying to help you unload/load your cart while you're holding a flailing 25 lb. kid. It's just so fabulous.

  9. I am sorry. We've all been there a time or two. I know you know this already, but it will get better. As for the people and their looks, I just ignore them completely. They can kiss off! Last week Carter (just turned 2) decided to start throwing all of my groceries out of the cart, including a six pack of yogurt that broke and splattered everywhere. So embarassing. However, I have some perspective on these things, since I have older stepsons and my oldest daughter is 12. It gets so much harder as they get older - my sweet 12 year old was just the victim of "mean girls" and cyber-bullying last week =( Give me a tantrum any day compared to what happens when they get older! UGH!!!

    Hang in there! You're doing a great job, I am sure of it.

  10. Oh honey...I am right there with you! Don't worry...any women who has children has been there. My daughter doesn't want to be held, she wants to walk by herself but usually takes off and if I try to pick her up and carry her she screams, "PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME!" or "Stop you are hurting me!" and people look at me like I am trying to abduct her or something.

    It gets better though. Hang in there. And don't worry too much about dirty looks. Just carry on with your business.

  11. Awww! You poor thing! I'm SO sorry your trip to the store went down like that. :( While I am only on baby #1 and she hasn't yet reached the age of being too difficult when it comes to shopping, I KNOW that it is coming.... and soon. In fact, I got a glimpse into the future yesterday during my trip to the grocery store with her. Hang in there! And I agree-I think all moms should avoid shopping with their wee ones until they're at LEAST 10.... or maybe 18. ;) Hehe!

  12. Wow sometimes i feel like we are going through some of the exact same things!!!(Although my training for running is on an eliptical! hahaha) Anyway on my trip to the store yesterday Pearson did the hold me crying, screaming thing. And would NOT stop! I was trying everything in the check out line to get him to stop! People staring, others wanting to get management to kick me out!! ARGGGGG!! Anyway i so totally feel your pain!!!!

  13. haha I don't feel bad for you, I have FOUR!! (: jk , it's hard. I avoid bringing my kids with which works well cuz hubby has days off mid-week (which also makes wknds long ESP 3 hrs of church on Sunday but anyway that's another drama) so I had to laugh cuz while I have 4 kiddies, kris has one. she was the one givin me the "my kids will never be like that" but I forced her to eat her words the other day muah ha hah!!! hang in there mama, girls are drama-I have 2! ;)

  14. Oh my gosh! I am so in the same boat! How old is your daughter? Mine is 21 months and a complete monster when shopping (and ocassionally throughout the day when not shopping!). I have to give her constant snacks or she is a MESS!!! And Im pretty sure Im setting her up to have HORRIBLE eating habits by doing that so I try not to but sometimes its a must! Totally feel your pain. Your Christmas card outake is HYSTERICAL!!!


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