Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ice Cold Heaven in a Foam Cup

Oh my gosh! Look what my bestie just posted on her blog! HAHAHAHA!!! We used to go get snow cones at this FABULOUS little place called the Ice Barn in Sugar Land, Texas pretty much every week. It was our special place. Our kids were best friends, too. It was so much fun! And I usually got the same thing every time...white coconut and cream. (The cream is really just sweetened condensed milk that they squirt over the top.....SOOOOOO good, you have NO IDEA.) It is absolutely safe to say I had an addiction. But, there is no recovery group, so I didn't care. About a year ago we moved to Colorado and it was so hard to leave. I had the best group of friends there, fabulous shopping, and my Mandymelon. These pictures are from our last hurrah at the Ice Barn before we moved. Is that not the biggest snow cone you've ever seen!?! It took 2 days to eat. It was heaven. I just thought the pictures were hilarious, so I thought I'd share. :) And isn't Mandy an AWESOME photographer!?! She ROCKS. I miss you, Manders! *sniff sniff*



  1. Holy cow, that is a hardcore snow cone!! That should be on Man vs. Food! LOL! And so sweet of her to post that!! I just love memories like that!


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