Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Faded Glory

I don't know if anyone keeps up with my photography blog...but here are some pictures I did this week! And soon to come, our family picture. Well, the kid's family picture anyway...I took like thirty pictures and Kate was crying in EVERY.SINGLE.ONE. Go figure!


  1. LOVE them! Great job, Natsters!! I feel your pain on the family photo thing. Why does it have to be so. freaking. hard. to just get one good one?? Grrr.

  2. Is that one Kate? Really? She's getting so old. And Whitney is as beautiful as ever. Miss you guys!

  3. Your girls are sooo beautiful! I can't wait to see the family picture. I think it's funny when everyone's smiling except for a screaming baby. That's real life!

    I'm impressed with your Espanol!

  4. Cuuuute! Two updates in a row! Woo hoo!! :) Love you Natty Bratty!

  5. Your pictures are turning out great. I wish I could have you come here and take a family picture for me. I need a nicer one. Love Ya!


I read each and every comment and they totally make my day! Thanks for stopping by NatSprat!