Thursday, December 16, 2010

Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas from the Brimhall Family! Well, most of us anyway. Kate begs to differ....

Monday, December 13, 2010

For Your Entertainment

Why is it SOOOOO hard to get a good Christmas picture? Because you have kids like mine!

Star Wars Wall Art

Welcome to NatSprat! Are you here looking for these Star Wars Minimalist Prints? You can find them in my etsy shop HERE! It's only $15 for all 5! That's only $3 each! If you only want  a few of them, let me know which ones you want and I will be happy to do a custom listing for you. :) Thanks so much!






Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Spirit

I know I have been posting a lot this week...apparently I have a lot to say! I was preparing my lesson for Sunday and came across this video clip from Mormon Messages. It's a beautiful little clip about keeping Christ in really touched my heart and I'm sure it will touch yours, too. It's just too good not to share!

Wanna-be crafty

I'm not necessarily a crafty person. I have always wanted to has to be in my genes somewhere because my mom is overflowing with it. I LOOOOVE reading crafty blogs, though. Some of you probably follow Make It and Love It. If not, you should. It has all sorts of really cute ideas that are inexpensive and easy to do. Today I caught the crafty bug from reading her blog and she had this post on making hair clips and headbands out of vinyl. For anyone who knows me you know I LOOOOOOVE hair pretties! I drooled and drooled and whined and cried over this blog...I don't have any vinyl. So, I decided to go to the Goodwill box and see what kind of stuff I had in there. I had some belts that were HOT in 2005...not so hot now. So I decided I would try to cut them up and use them instead of vinyl. And by golly, it worked! I wasted almost 5 hours making these puppies. Can you say SUPER CUTE HOMEMADE FROM THE HEART CHRISTMAS PRESENTS??? :) (BTW...pretend you are surprised if you get some of these in the mail from me...)

Then I had this leftover piece of belt that was too cute to just throw away. So I made it into a headband! I just added some of the little flowers I made from the belt, and it turned out like this...

I am pretty proud of myself. My fingers are sore from glue gun burns, but it was totally worth it! Now...I have to go clean up my mess. Sigh. Now that you are feeling inspired...go make some hair pretties!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Faded Glory

I don't know if anyone keeps up with my photography blog...but here are some pictures I did this week! And soon to come, our family picture. Well, the kid's family picture anyway...I took like thirty pictures and Kate was crying in EVERY.SINGLE.ONE. Go figure!

Monday, December 6, 2010

November update

Hola, mis amigos! ¿Puedes creer que ya Diciembre? Yo no puede. Pero las cosas van bien aquí con la familia Brimhall! Mi español viene muy bien, también. Estoy amando trabajando con los jóvenes mujeres! La vida es buena. :)

We had our first temple trip, and I had all 4 of my girls go! The closest Temple to us is the Albuquerque Temple which is 4 hours away. They drove with us in our van and it was fabulous! I really enjoyed getting to know them. They are sweet, wonderful girls! It was so neat to see their eyes light up when we went into the temple. They said they felt like they were in heaven with angels. It was their first time, and I am so blessed that I got to be there for it. They were so beautiful all dressed in white, I hope it was a time they will never forget.

"The temple is concerned with things of immortality. It is a bridge between this life and the next. All of the ordinances that take place in the house of the Lord are expressions of our belief in the immortality of the human soul." Gordon B. Hinkley

It was so nice to get to go back to where Michael and I were married. It really put things back into perspective for me. There is just something about being there, in such a beautiful place...all dressed in white. It feels like home. Not home, like home from a place you almost remember. It's so peaceful and reverent. I love it.

We had a nice Thanksgiving! We went up to the mountains with my family and the Petersons to get a Christmas tree. It had snowed a lot a few days before so it was kind of a scary drive! I white knuckled it most of the way. But it was BEAUTIFUL!!! It was a winter wonderland. We found a good tree and had a fun time playing in the snow and drinking hot chocolate. Then we went to my in-laws for Thanksgiving Dinner and had a DELISH meal and the best chocolate silk pie I've ever had. (Thanks, Kathy!) Then we went to my parent's house that evening for pie. It was a wonderful holiday!

Oh! And we got a wood stove installed in the house. I love it! I was really nervous to sleep the first night with a fire going. I'm terrified of fire. But, Michael assured me there was nothing to worry about and it seems to be working great. I love the feel of wood burning warms you to the very soul. :) And there's nothing like sitting on the couch on a cold day watching the glow of the fire.

I finally got out my camera many pretty things to take pictures of now!

So...all in all things are going great! I love this Christmas Season!!!