Tuesday, October 28, 2008

When Hell Freezes Over...

Yaaaaay! Remember how in my previous blog I was bummed out about it still being hot? Well, today the HIGH was like 60! And tonight we're under a FREEZE WARNING!!! Hooooray! Jack Frost is coming to town!!! I mean...that's sad for everyone with gardens...but I can't help but have a little bounce in my step when I feel the cold air. It just reminds me of home and cute sweaters, hot mugs of apple cider, snow on the peaks of the mountains, and knowing that the holidays are just around the corner. Oh, and guess what I had for breakfast this morning??? Hot chocolate with peanut butter on whole wheat toast. It was fabulous! One and a half packs of reduced sugar cocoa, some amaretto creamer and a little bit of Pero all mixed together with a dab of whipped cream on top. Mmmmmm. I even got to turn the heat on because our house was so cold when we woke up. Aaron climbed in bed with me to snuggle and he had cold little feet! That was a new experience for me. Anyway...I just had to share the good news. Today I heard someone jokingly ask, "Does this mean that Hell is freezing over?" And I couldn't help but laugh.

1 comment:

  1. Kind of jealous here....Our high for today is 89...pretty sure it is November next week and we had to use our A/C yesterday!


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