Monday, October 15, 2007

Brazos Bend State Park

This weekend we went to Brazos Bend State Park with some friends. We had a great time and it was an absolutely gorgeous day! There is a big lake with a trail around it that we walked around, and the main attraction there are the alligators that roam free! We saw 5 alligators, and the one in the picture was about 5 feet away from us. He was a big fella! I'm guessing it was around 6 feet long or so. I was thinking that alligators were a lot smaller, guess not! We pushed the kids around in the stroller and our friends brought bikes to ride on the trails. Then they traded us and they pushed the kids and Mike and I rode the bikes for a while, and it was so much fun! Whitney now tells everyone that "alligators gobble up little kids", and she refused to get down from the stroller. I'm guessing that was Mike's line. Anyway, it was a great weekend and it was soooo nice to get away from the city and back into nature.


  1. Alligators gobble up big kids too!

  2. It would be so cool to see alligators...from a safe distance of course! I love your family picture! Way too cute!


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