Part II
Went to the doctor, and he said that there was definitely something wrong there but he didn't know what it was. He guessed a tumor because it was set in the deep tissue and not just floating around and that it was in my colon. (this doctor also spent more time checking out my boobs than my abdomen!) So, he sent me to another doctor, a gastroentomologist (or something like that) and he did just about the same thing only adding a few more unpleasant prods. "Hmmmm. Well, that's not supposed to be there. I'm not sure what it is, so I'm going to send you to someone else." So now, $300 later, I have an ultrasound tomorrow morning and they are going to take a look and see if they can figure out what the mass is. So far, today I've heard that maybe it is a tumor, a piece of poop (??? which would mean that I haven't gone poo in 2 weeks? ummmm, no.), and an ovarian cyst. So, it's just more wait and worry now. If they can't tell what it is with the ultrasound then they'll do a CT scan or an MRI, or possibly a colonoscopy. (oh please not the colonoscopy....not till I'm 50!!!) Hope they can figure it out tomorrow....
Eeww ... that sounds like a lot of fun, too bad I missed out. I'll remember you & your colon in my prayers ;)