Tuesday, May 15, 2007

So, I just talked to one of my friends from church yesterday and I can't stop thinking about her. She just found out that she's pregnant, and her husband had an affair on her! She had no idea. He would lie and say that he was going to a game with one of his friends, and of course he wasn't. She has 6 kids (one is a 11 month old baby!) She had a good venting session and I hung up the phone just as depressed as she was. She is absolutely devastated! Suddenly I have a whole new fear of becoming the "old run down stay-at-home mom" model. My body has been scarred by having two (wonderful!) children. I'll be honest. I'm not the fun, crazy, hot "babe" I used to be. My stomach looks like I was mauled by a tiger, my boobs are a few inches south from where they started before breastfeeding, I have permanent dark circles under my eyes, and I'm lucky if I get dressed by 10 a.m.! Instead of going to the gym- I'm grocery shopping. Instead of spending time curling my hair and taking the time to put on eyeliner, I'm wiping the hand prints off of the t.v. and cleaning the crayon masterpieces from the walls. I usually have spit up or something smeared on one of my shoulders and my hair half pulled out of it's ponytail from my 10 month old son. But this gives me new a whole incentive to try harder to look better when the husband comes home. It's sad when you suddenly see all of the rest of the women in the world as competition for your husband. I'm not saying that I don't love being a mother, it is the most wonderful thing in the world. They have made my life worth living in a whole new dimension, and brought me happiness and joy that I never knew I could feel! I only hope and pray that my husband won't lose sight of what he has here for a newer model with perky boobs and a toned tummy. Hmmm. I think I'll go eat some chocolate now. On second thought, maybe I'll go eat some chocolate artificially flavored rice cakes.


  1. Oh my gosh! I feel so bad for your friend. That would be such a horrible thing to find out. I hope that everything will work out for the best. I think we all have a fear of being traded in for a new model. We just love our husbands so much that we don't want them to find something that they think is better. I mean who out there could be better than what they have? I guess we just have to keep doing our part to be the 'hot babes' they fell in love with and work even harder to build our spiritual relationship with them.

  2. yeah. I'll have to e-mail you about this one....not sure I want to publish it to the "world" ;)


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