Thursday, June 28, 2012

{Pin}Spired: Homemade Mozzarella


YESSSS! A pin from Pinterest that really worked this time! If you recall my last {Pin}spiration post, my attempt at the pins didn't work out so well. So, I was a little nervous to try to do this again. 

But then...I saw this pin on making homemade mozzarella.

(If you pin from my page, please link back to the original poster, she deserves the credit for this!)

Now THIS was totally worth an attempt, even if I did fail again. I use mozzarella like a zillion times a week, I swear. My brother served his mission in Italy and he says they make their mozzarella there fresh every single day! And I heard that "this was the best cheese EVERRRRR". It looked easy, I had all of the ingredients, and I went for it. The tutorial was great. And YES, wear clean rubber gloves...that stuff is HOT! Also, cheese salt is basically just salt without iodide. You can find it in the salt section at any grocery store, just make sure it is NON-IODIZED salt. Another tip, use a strainer to separate the curds from the whey. You can save a lot of your curds that whey. (Get it? That way??? Bahahaha!)

So...what did I do with my homemade mozzarella? I made these AMAZING sandwiches that my friend Gina introduced me to. They were so quick and easy to make, I didn't have to turn on my hot oven in this summer heat, and they taste sooooo good! So, seriously, if you are having one of those grilled cheese kind of a day but don't want to offend your husband by your laziness, make these. He'll be impressed and not even realize that it was a lazy grilled cheese day! Maybe he'll even be so ecstatic that he'll offer to do the dishes...which there aren't many of with this meal! DOUBLE SCORE!

Now, go give it a try!  And thanks for stopping by NatSprat!


  1. Oh my goodness, this looks AMAZING!! Seriously, I could crawl through the screen and eat this!

    P.S. I've missed you!! I NEVER check my reader anymore b/c it's just been easier getting updates on FB, but then I miss wonderful people like you! I have to be better at that! Your site looks gorgeous! Did you do it yourself??


I read each and every comment and they totally make my day! Thanks for stopping by NatSprat!