Thursday, April 12, 2012

{Pin}spired Copycat Week 6

Okay, so this is actually yesterday's post...I'm a little behind! I was GOING to post this yesterday but a big thunderstorm came through and knocked out the power! So...*cough cough*, anyway. I am really excited about my latest {Pin}spiration!

I'm sure you ALLLL know about the awesome Cutting Edge stencils. I've been seeing posts about them everywhere! I have been drooling over these for MONTHS! I wanted to do some sort of a pattern on my bathroom wall...but just couldn't bring myself to pay $40 for a stencil I'd only use once on a tiny little accent wall. For a great big room I would have made the splurge...but this is all I needed it for!


I love how it turned out!!! Not too different from the one I was drooling over, either.

This is the one I wanted to get, found HERE.

So, how did I do this without a stencil then? Well, I'll tell you. Once upon a time, (which actually happens EVERY day...) while browsing through Pinterest, I saw THIS pin. 


This amazing woman from Jones Design Company had done her ENTIRE bedroom without the expensive stencil! She even has the FREE TEMPLATE that I used to print out and cut and trace. 


I was really surprised at how fast it went! I got it all done in about 3 hours! And basically for free since I already had my paints bought. And we all lived happily ever after with a cute hand-stenciled bathroom!

(I'll do a whole post on my master bathroom makeover soon!) 


  1. No way!! That is amazing!! I saw this on Pinterest but didn't realize you did it! You are awesome, Nat, way to go!!

  2. I love Jones Design Company's blog! And your room looks great! Good Job!

  3. hey, i'm a new follower and found you on fingerprints on the fridge. ;) love all your fun craft ideas and inspiration! ;) looking forward to connecting....

  4. This makes all the difference! I have a plain, boring hall bathroom....just might have to try this! I LOVE it! Found you over at Fingerprints on the Fridge! I'd love for you to come link this up at my Tuesday Time Out Party - open all week!

    Tuesday Time Out Linky Party


    Reasons To Skip The Housework {The Blog}
    Tinker B Boutique {The Shop}


I read each and every comment and they totally make my day! Thanks for stopping by NatSprat!