Friday, October 14, 2011

Peanut Butter Eyeballs

Today was a nice lazy day. We busted out Nightmare Before Christmas and I had this crazy craving for these Peanut Butter Eyeballs that my mom used to make with us around Halloween time. It's become a tradition with my kids and I, and today was the special day! I thought I'd share the recipe and maybe you can start the same tradition with YOUR family! :)


1 1/2 C peanut butter
1 stick softened butter
1/2 tsp salt
3 C powdered sugar
M&M's candies
White chocolate candy coating
black food coloring or chocolate chips

Mix the peanut butter, salt and butter well. Gradually add the powdered sugar and mix until smooth. Shape into 1 inch balls, place on waxed paper. Then, put them into the fridge to harden.

Meanwhile, melt the white chocolate coating on low heat (or in the microwave for 30 seconds at a time and stirring) until melted.

Dip the peanut butter balls into the white chocolate and coat evenly. Place them back onto the waxed paper. Immediately press an M&M onto the top center of the eyeball.

Dip a toothpick in either the black food coloring or melted chocolate chips and put a small dot in the middle of the M&M to create the pupil.

Put it back into the fridge until the white chocolate is nice and hard again. All done!

If you're really feeling ambitious, you can dip a toothpick in red food coloring paste and make veins in the eyes!


P.S. Don't forget to check out my current giveaway for a mini nest necklace!


Linked up to:
Tatertots and Jello
Family Ever After
Sassy Sites
I Heart Naptime


  1. Holy yumminess and added holiday lbs... This is one of those times I am thankful Aidan doesn't do pb. Gives me a reason NOT to make these. =)

  2. It's just the girls and I tomorrow so I'm thinking we'll make these! So fun! TFS

    Melissa Finch Johnson

  3. Those are so awesome! Love it! Stopping by from Family Ever After link party.

  4. Oh wow, those look yummy!! What a fun Halloween treat! I'll have to try them! :)

  5. these are ADORABLE and may i say YUMMY!!! thanks for sharing...your newest follower!

  6. Those look so yummy and fun that I just pinned them. My hubby would LOVE these. Thanks for sharing! I am a new follower from the Sundae Scoop. Vicky from

  7. ummm.... so i just spent the last few minutes going through your blog archives.... where have i been? i LOVE you! hahaha. serisouly cute blog and projects, and everything else. i'm adding you to my list of must reads :)

  8. Good thing you linked these up last week. they were a hit! They're being featured today on Once Upon a Weekend!

  9. Wow these look delicious! I think I'm going to try them. Just came across your blog today and love it. I love all your crafts and will look forward to updates!



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