Saturday, October 1, 2011

Nat's Top Ten Pins of the Week

Wow, has it really already been a week!?! I don't know where the time went. But...happy October, everyone! Are you ready for my top 10 favorite pins of the week? I am! Here we go!

1. Craft of the Week

I just love these!!! I can just imagine putting them on bags...scarves...sweaters...headbands...AAAAAH! Cuteness overload!

2. Cute Outfit of the Week

Ooh, gray and turquoise together? Yes PLEASE!!! I'm seeing a lot of scarves on outfits lately...and I'm loving it.

3. Tip of the Week

Now really. How did I not know this? If you need to get those pesky sticky labels off of something and don't want the gooey, scummy mess left over, just heat it up with the blow dryer and it'll slide right off! *smacking forehead*

4. Kid Friendly Craft of the Week

With two little girls, I know this will be a big hit! I have to admit...I love sparkly things, too! :)

5.Good Laugh of the Week

No explanation needed!

6. Inspirational Quote of the Week this is funnier than the Jolie's Pitt's (get it? Jolie's armpits???) kids thing! BAHAHAHA! Maybe I should start carrying around water and sugar in my purse so I'm always prepared?

7. DROOL of the Week

You could make these so many ways! Cinnamon and Sugar...sea salt and butter....olive oil and chili and cheese...I'm getting hungry....

8. Tutorial of the Week

Remember how I said I'm seeing scarves everywhere??? Well, soon you'll be seeing them on ME! And hopefully YOU!

9. Hairstyle of the Week

Now, this is actually for shorter hair. I imagine it will work with long hair, too. I love pretty AND easy updos...updoos...updo's...*gah*!

10. Home Inspiration of the Week

Sweaters aren't just for your upper half...they're for your couch, too! I know I have some sweaters who would LOVE to sacrifice themselves to have a place on my sofa. Or bed. Or both.

And this, my friends, concludes this weeks edition of Nat's Top Ten Pins of the Week! Which one inspired you most?



  1. Holy moley! I love all of it!!! Nat come redo my house!

    And where do those cute clothing pieces come from?

  2. Ooooo sweater pillows! I just put a couple sweaters in the craft stash...they'll have to come back out :)

  3. Love all of your picks! How am I not following you on Pinterest?

  4. I have that pretzel roll recipe pinned, too. Looks divine! I love how it says, "Get off your butt and bake!" Hahhaha


I read each and every comment and they totally make my day! Thanks for stopping by NatSprat!