Saturday, August 27, 2011

Ballard Cork Board Knock Off

I have been drooling over the latest Ballard catalog. I have been wanting one of their big cork boards for FOREVER. $300 it just isn't possible. Or is it? Wait...IT IS! I just have to make my own!

I've been on the prowl for a big cork board and chunky frame all summer. The thrift store hasn't had any. Then, yesterday my mom called me from down the street, "Hey, Nat! There's a garage sale down here on the corner, you should come check it out!"

So, I did. And guess what I found. For 50 cents. That's right, 50 cents! Pretend you didn't notice it's upside down. And, they had a big cork board for $2, too! Talk about jackpot!


So, I ripped out the picture. Then, I took it out to spray paint it with Krylon Ivory Gloss. While it was drying I removed the cork board from it's frame and cut the board to the same size as the picture. Then, I stuck the cork board piece in it and......TA DAAAH! My very own beauuutiful cork board.


I love it. Like...a lot. Take that, Ballard!!! And I'll keep my $297.50, thank you very much.


This project was SOOO easy! And SO inexpensive! Stay on the lookout and you'll find just what you're looking for!


Linked up to:
Nifty Thrifty Things
Tatertots and Jello
Little Rays of Sunshine
The Girl Creative
Making the World Cuter
Family Ever After
DIY Home Sweet Home


  1. NICE!!! I love cheap knock offs that look just as good as the original. You go girl!

  2. WOOO HOOOOO!!! I love it too :) I didn;t realize how large it actually was til you posted the photo with it actually on the wall......stunning!!! I have the huge frame....I just can't find the you, I'm holding out!!!

  3. HOLY FREAKIN Be-a-u-tiful! LOVE how creative you are!

  4. I love that you got the stuff at a garage sale for $3! You are fabulous!

  5. I LOVE THIS!! Seriously, this is awesome. I wish I had your eye for items like these. Maybe I should work on hitting the local garage sales more often because I'm with you. $300? No can do. Fifty cents and a small bit of work? Um, yes please!! Nice job!! :)

  6. P.S. I saw your comment~ I am not going to lie...the numbing part HURT! Mostly just the one near my lip since that is just a really sensitive area. The others weren't really that bad...

    Anyway good luck!!

  7. Way cute. I love the detail in the frame.

  8. Great find!!! I love it! How would you like to play in my link party? Its called Once Upon a Weekend, at my blog It starts on Friday mornings!!!

    Have a great day!
    Rach H

  9. Looks great. If you get a chance I would love you to link your cork board up to More the Merrier Monday.

  10. 50 Cents! That is just ridiculous! NICE find!


  11. Love the red! Even love more that it was so inexpensive!!! Stop by and see me some to the blogging world! :)


I read each and every comment and they totally make my day! Thanks for stopping by NatSprat!