Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tutorials A La NatSprat

Hi, Everyone! Lots of great things going on today! While I am busy here at home getting Whitney caught up on school (SUMMER, PLEASE HURRY UP!!!), you can still enjoy some tutorials a la NatSprat!

Check out my new tutorial on Bizzy B's blog for Tutorial Tuesday: HOW TO MAKE A FELT FLOWER PILLOW. Remember the one from Kate's bedroom makeover? ;) Now you can make one, too!



I'm being featured over at {Trulie Scrumptious} today! You have GOT to go check these girls out. They are seriously SOOOO stinking cute. They are two ADORABLE and FABULOUS sisters with lots of great ideas and tips and TONS of humor! I am seriously laughing so hard through each post. They are fairly new to Blogland, so go show them some love! You won't regret it. Follow them (I do!) and I promise you won't be disappointed!



  1. can't wait to go check out your features! congrats! xox

  2. You are so popular these days! Probably because you are so stinking cute and sweet and crafty! I'm going to check out your features:)

  3. Such cute pillows! I've been wanting to make one for a while now.... maybe now is the time. :)

    Come by my blog when you have a chance--you've been given the Versatile Blogger Award! :)


I read each and every comment and they totally make my day! Thanks for stopping by NatSprat!