Thursday, April 14, 2011

Strep Throat and DIY Camera Bag

I feel like I've kind of dropped off of the face of the planet. Planet Blogworld, that is. What have I been doing, you ask? I've been taking care of this:

Poor little girl! Her fever was up to 104 so I took her to the doctor. Turns out she had strep throat and hasn't let me do much of anything. But it's actually been kind of nice to be able to just hold her and love her while she actually holds still! I hope she can kick this illness soon!

Other than that, I've done a few guest posts on some great blogs this week! This one was posted a few days ago:

A Turtles Life For Me: Guest Post

and there's another one coming up tomorrow. It's so exciting! I can't believe people want to hear from little ol' me! :)

Oh! On another note...I made a camera bag this week! I had an old purse that has been sitting around for a while, and then I saw THIS tutorial on how to make your own camera bag out of a purse. Thank you, Crafter's File Box! :)

Here it is from the outside....lots of pockets and flat bottom. PERFECT for a camera bag.

And the inside. The tutorial was really easy to follow! I only have one other lens (for now...) so I only made one section to hold the lens. If I get more lenses later I'll have plenty of room to add more sections. I'm really happy with how it turned out! It'll be great for vacation because I can use it as my purse AND my camera bag! Yaaaaaay!

(picture credit goes to my 7 year old for this one! Hahaha!)

So...yes, I'm still alive and kicking! And praying my little Katesters gets better soon and I can get a full night's sleep tonight! ;)

Until next time...



  1. aaahhh, I hear ya! Seems to be the week for the sickies! But I also got lots of snuggle time today and it was oh so wonderful! BTW, your 7 year old puts my photog skills to shame!

  2. I sure hope she gets well soon! And now I want a cute camera bag! Thanks alot!

  3. Poor baby!!! That's terrible.

    Praying for her to feel better!

  4. Poor Kate! Hope she's feeling better soon!! And I LOVE YOUR CAMERA BAG!!!!! I want one!!! W. Ps...your box should be there tomorrow i think!!

  5. Poor baby :( Nothing worse than a sick baby...

    Love the bag!

  6. Poor little Kate! Your camera bag is totally fabulous, though. Congrats on being asked to guest post on other blogs--that is exciting! :)

  7. So sad when your kids are sick :( We have a house full of sickies right now, too.

    Super cute DIY camera bag! Love it!

    And so fun to be guest blogging! I have my first guest blogging experience coming up . . . exciting!

  8. I love this idea....I'm not sure my hubby would carry it though! :)

  9. Woo-woo!!

    LOVE your bag!! Great job! I am so excited that my tutorial was helpful.

    Best of luck with your baby... it's no fun for anyone when your little ones are sick!! :)


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