Friday, April 1, 2011

Rolled Fabric Rosette Necklace Giveaway Results....

So, I've decided I like the necklace too much and can't give it away. It's just too darn cute! I'm so sorry...I know I got you guys all totally excited and you probably think about it all day, every day. So...once again, I'm SOOOOO sorry. But it's MINE. I made it, and I have the right to keep it.

I know I said no April Fools jokes. I totally lied. OF COURSE I'm going to pull an April Fools joke on you. I'm Natalie. That's what I do. So...are you ready to see who the REAL winner is???

The winner was chosen using's True Random Number Generator...and it picked # 56 who is....
ELISABETH! Congratulations, Elisabeth!

Elisabeth, you have 48 hours to email me your address so I can get this mailed to you! :)



  1. we already follow your DARLING blog. my fave part {other than you awesome talent, of course} is how stinkin HILARIOUS you are!!! love it. have a fab wknd!! (:

    xo-kelli & kristi

    ps: DO make that necklace, but yours would prob be cuter. if elizabeth doesn't want your giveaway one, we'll take it! ;)

  2. You are HILARIOUS. And darling. And hilarious.

    I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO over the MOON excited, I can hardly STAND IT! I've never won anything, my little heart is bursting at the seams.

    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

  3. this is gorgeous! i hope you made one too keep too!!!!!!!!!!!!


I read each and every comment and they totally make my day! Thanks for stopping by NatSprat!