Monday, April 4, 2011

Old Navy Awesomeness

Oh happy day! I have been in desperate need of some new dresses. And it is SOOO hard to find dresses that are modest anymore! Modesty is really important to me, and if I set a good example, hopefully my daughters will follow. So, buying dresses or skirts can be kind of tricky because I want them to hit at the knee. Most dresses and skirts hit about 3 inches above the knee like this...

So adorable dresses like this dress just won't work for me. Sigh. So close!

So, I was browsing online at Old Navy wanting to find some cute spring dresses. But everything was going to be too short! I was sooo bummed. But guess what I discovered! Old Navy has a "tall women" section! All of the dresses and stuff are made longer for tall people! I'm not tall, I'm 5'5. But, I need those extra few inches at the bottom. So, if there is a dress you love in regular women's, chances are they have it in the tall women's section, too!

If you are interested, then check out, click on the women's link, and a drop menu will appear with petite and tall options. Click on tall.

I got these two little beauties! I tried them on and they fit perfectly! They fall just blow the kneecap. And the bust part fits just right, too! No overflowing going on with these mommas!

I'll be wearing my Layering Tees from under them to make the top half modest. (Downeast Basics has some, too, but I think the Shade ones are better quality..sorry Downeast, I still love you soooooo much!) I love that they are so long! So, if I bend over or reach up, I don't have to worry about anything showing. I don't have to be pulling my shirt back down all day. These are a must have...and I'm pretty sure I have them in every color.

And have you seen these (below)!?! Dang, I wish I would have had these in Houston. They are a HALF of a layering tee, you can wear it under your dresses and tank tops and stuff so you don't have that extra layer to creep up or make you hotter. And dang....I wish my stomach looked like that. After three kids and 2 surgeries, PSSSSH! (So worth it, though, stretch marks and all.)

I also got some super cute cropped cardigans. The cardigans are really thin, so they will be great for spring and summer. And DELISH colors!

Anywayyyyy, I just thought some of you might be interested in this fabulous find! Oh, and Old Navy has some great sales going on right now, and Shade has their shirts on sale right now with free shipping if you spend $50.

Have a great day, everyone!



  1. Those dresses are adorable! I'm only 5'4" and a couple years ago discovered that womens' tall capris fit me perfectly as jeans! Most places the short jeans are still too long for me unless I wear heels (which is never!), but the tall capris are just perfect!

  2. Must go shopping!!! Love everything you got! :)

  3. I just want you to know I looked at your picture three times trying to figure out how you were old enough to have kids. I'm just going to guess your one of the lucky ones who always look young. lol Anyway, when I worked at Belk in the Children's dept, I figured out that a 14/16 kids is about the same as a 3/5 womens, and the shirts are often cut even larger. I'm a DD bra size, and the shirts fit me so well and they are ALL modest! The only weird thing was when I ran into a 7 year old wearing the same outfit as me...:)

  4. Whaa hoo thanks for the tip! I'm always trying to find longer dresses, too! Yay!

  5. Natalie
    thank you for sharing! I am 5'11" so I will totally think about old navy from now on!

    Ps you are darling! I have 3 babies and plenty of S marks to prove it:)

    much love

  6. Oh, I LOVE your conviction on modesty!

    And cute choices! I had to do a double take on the cropped top though, LOL!

    Old Navy is the best!

  7. Old Navvvyyyyyy!!!!!! I get all our clothes there (and Target). I love the way they fit and they always have cute stuff and good sales. Their tall section is brilliant. My hubby has a mile long torso, so it helps. I never thought about the skirt thing!

  8. Lucky for me, I am short and usually should wear petite sizes. So buying regular dresses and skirts kinda does the same thing for me. :) Bonus!

  9. Great idea Nat. The TALL dressed. How do you think of these things?
    I love your great ideas.

  10. This is me kicking myself! Why haven't I thought of this- genius! I just bought two ON dresses myself...that I will now be exchanging for "Talls". Brilliant!

  11. A new follower (after seeing you on Playing House). I am having so much fun browsing through your blog! Not only is it appealing to the eye, but the content is filling me up as well. Excited to "get to know you" more in Blog Land:)


I read each and every comment and they totally make my day! Thanks for stopping by NatSprat!