Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hip Hip Hooray!

Quick little update for you....

After exercising for an hour every day this week (Thank you Wii Just Dance 2 and Pick your level Pilates) and watching what I eat, I am proud to announce that I lost 3 pounds. YAAAAAAAY! I know it doesn't sound like a whole lot, but if I can keep it up, I can lose the ten holiday horror pounds I put on in less than a month! Which is freaking awesome. And I have to admit, I love the feeling of working out. It's so invigorating! And I have noticed that I sleep soooo much better at night, because my body is exhausted. Usually it takes me about a half an hour to 45 minutes to fall asleep. But now, I'm out five minutes after my head hits the pillow. And I can already see a difference in my body. I'm seriously loving this!


  1. Way to go Nat!!! It is so nice to lose weight and not feel like it was the most horrible experience in the world!

  2. Good job! That is awesome! I love Just Dance 2, might have to get the pilates one you mentioned. I agree...working out helps in so many ways, sleep, body image, energy, mood, stress, etc. Keep up the good work!


I read each and every comment and they totally make my day! Thanks for stopping by NatSprat!