Tuesday, December 30, 2008

it's a......

Today was ultrasound day! Yaaaaay! And, drumroll please, it's a girl! (Maybe I should have put the pink footprints AFTER the post to play up the suspense...or been really mean and put up blue footprints...hahahaha!) I was getting pretty worried because Whitney would just not accept the fact that it could be a boy. When I asked her if she would still love the baby if it were a boy she was pretty sure she wouldn't. Her excuse was, "But Heavenly Father really wants me to have a little sister!". Who knows, maybe it's big sister's intuition. After all, she named the baby Kate the day we found out we had another one on the way. I really think these two girls are going to have a special connection.

We've decided to name her Kate Rebecca Brimhall. I have just had the darnest time finding a middle name that sounded good and felt right. I was half way tempted to bribe Whitney to let me re-name her so I could find a name that was easier to find a middle name for. But, when we were at the temple doing baptisms with the youth I had been praying to find a middle name that would be meaningful and beautiful. I was actually praying about a name of one of Michael's converts in Mexico with whom he is very close to and just got that stupor of thought after the prayer. It sounded pretty together...but it just felt empty. Then, right in the middle of the stupor I heard the name "Rebecca" being read from the font. My eyes shot open and suddenly the light went "ding!" and I knew that was the name she should have. I was even more in awe because that is Rachel's middle name and I really had wanted to name her after Rachel somehow. (But, to name her Rachel would just be confusing and McKayla has the middle name Rachel....so....yeah) And it feels so good to have a name for this baby! It's a wonderful name and I just can't wait to hear her name when she is blessed. : )


  1. I like the name! Especially the middle name!

  2. You KNEW it! That is so exciting! Ava's middle name was going to be Rebecca ~ I love it.

  3. I love the story about the name! Rebecca is also Aunt Susan's middle name and my sister Maria's middle name. It's a good one!

  4. I'm already looking forward to Kate Rebecca Brimhall to arrive. A beautiful name to a beautiful little girl I'm sure.


  5. When I was finding out what Jenna was going to be, the u/s tech told me that in her experience, the young kids are usually right in their predictions. And that's not what they want, but what they actually think it will be.

    Congrats again! Oh, and I'm sewing you a bunch of pink stuff. :-)

  6. That is so exciting and I love the name!

  7. What a SWEET name! You are so thoughtful :) Love you Natty and I am so excited to meet my little niece! !!

  8. congrats on a baby girl!!!! We of course love the name Kate. It's a strong, bold name yet classic and feminine. Our Kate is Kate Sophia, but we call her Kate the Great around here!

    You look amamzing with that darling belly. Ummm how do I remember that belly so well?!!!!

  9. I haven't checked you blog for awhile and it was a treat today! Congrats on your little girl. I love the name Kate and it's so neat that Whitney selected it. I also love the Christmas pictures. Your whole little family could seriously be models. The belly picture of you actually looks like something we'd put in the catalog where I work. Beautiful.

  10. I like the name! It's really cute! Rylie named Meg also. Only her name came from Disney's "Hercules." We call her Megra every once in a while as a joke. Your kids are so gorgeous! I know Kate is going to be just as beautiful.

  11. Congrats Nat!!! i'm excited for you it is alway so much fun when you find out what you having!!!

  12. What a beautiful name & a beautiful experience!

  13. Natalie, what a neat story. I love the name. It is beautiful. Your kids are so cute and you look gorgeous! Love,Aunt Wendy


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