Monday, June 16, 2008

Cinco De Mayo

I know this is a little late, but I finally found the USB cable for my camera so now I can update! For Cinco De Mayo I wanted to start a family tradition of doing a pinata! So, I spent allllll day on the 4th making this fish pinata out of a balloon, paper mache, newspaper, tissue paper, craft wire and streamers! I must say I think it turned out really well and I was so proud of myself!
Here is the post pinata. It didn't take long for Whitney to break it open, but she sure had fun! Of course the best part is when the candy spills out....and I couldn't stop laughing about the hours and hours (I think it was 10 hours!) of hard work getting smashed right in front of my eyes! The laughter and squeals from the kids made it all worth it! I'm definitely doing this again next year!


  1. That is awesome! I have made them before and it is no easy task. That will be such a fun tradition though.

  2. You are so amazing! I love the fish! What a fun tradition to start.

  3. Nice work! I love it!
    Travis and I wanted to get married on Cinco de Mayo. Sadly, it didn't work out. But I think about it every May. Maybe I should hire you to make us a wedding pinata every year! :)

  4. hahaha. A wedding pinata??? Like a giant paper mache temple? Surely God would frown upon that...How's about you just come over may 4th and we'll make pinatas together while the kids play!


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