Sunday, July 29, 2012

NatSprat's Top Ten Pins of the Week

Ready for NatSprat's Top Ten pins of the week? I love this time of the week, because I get to see what YOU guys like! Here we go!

This is a great idea. The link to the actual blog it's from doesn't work, but you can still use the idea. I don't know if the chair came with the timer, or whether they just glued one on...either way, it's genius! I need this for my 3 year old....I swear, she is going to be the end of me! hahaha. 

This one had a whopping 39 pins! Have any of you tried it yet? Does it really work?

This is the recipe that uses applesauce and honey instead of sugar and oil! I have some super ripe bananas begging me to use them. Banana bread for breakfast tomorrow? I think so.

This would be so much fun! Birthday party, Family night, And everything you would need you can get from the Dollar Store! Shower caps, shaving cream and some sort of Cheetos. Whoever catches the most Cheetos wins!

Yum. Rolos are one of my all time favorite things! I bet you could do this with any kind of cookie...ooh, the possibilities! 

Soooo pretty!

 So, apparently this is actually from! According to the comments, it's supposed to be pretty awesome stuff. case you are on a diet, you can even see the nutritional facts for Floor Grease Cutter Cleaner. Only 12.5 calories per serving! ROCK ON!!! *giggle*

Does anyone else have this problem? I have also discovered that about 60 percent of my conversations with friends begin with, "Hey...did you see the pin about (fill in the blank)". I'm still trying to decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe it's just a thing? :) 

Yet another idea when I smack myself in the head and think, "How did I not think of this!?!". Pinterest: 468,000    Natalie: 0    Pinterest wins again! 

This is really something beautiful to remember. It's so easy to get all caught up in the world, and forget what we should really live for. This one had 22 repins! Which makes me happy. :) You all are such WONDERFUL people and friends!

And there we have it! NatSprat's Top Ten Pins of the Week!

Don't forget, if you haven't joined me on Pinterest, you can find me {HERE!}

Have a WONDERFUL week!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

{Pin}Spired Wednesday: Messy Hair-Bow

Have you seen the hair-bow? I mean, the hair-bow made out of HAIR bow. The first time I saw one I laughed hysterically. I believe they all started with Lady GaGa. Then, suddenly they were EVERYWHERE!

You can find them all over Pinterest...

in all sorts of varieties...

So, when I saw THIS pin and saw how easy it really was to do, I tried it out.

 In less than a minute I had a giant bow on top of my head! Wow, that really WAS easy! To looked a little too perfect, and I didn't want anyone to confuse me with Lady GaGa (because that would just be embarrassing...) so I messed it up a little and made up the messy hair-bow. WHICH, UNTIL NOW HAD NEVER BEEN DISCOVERED! True story. *wink wink*. And then I wore it all day long and it was actually pretty dang cute!

The end! 

Thanks for stopping by! :)

Friday, July 20, 2012

My New Favorite Song {Ich Bin/I Am}

I just HAVE to share this song with you.

Everything about it is beautiful! The song, the lyrics, the music video...just...WOW. It's in German, but I am also posting the translation so you can know what she's saying. I now introduce you to LaFee's video Ich Bin which means "I Am". Enjoy! 

{LaFee} I Am

I am here,
I am far
I’m the whole;
I’m a part
I am poor,
Sometimes rich
I am in;
Count me in
I am the past
And present day
I scream and hush
Every day
I am here
And I am free
I am in;
Count us in
I’ll take you with in my world
And I’ll show you who I am
‘Cause I love my life
And we’ll share in this moment
With every day and every sense
And I’ll put my world in your world
I am what was;
what will be,
When each one leaves,
I’m the one who stays
I’m the pulse,
I’m the time
Count us in;
all the same
I’ll take you with in my world
And I’ll show you who I am
‘Cause I love my life
And we’ll share in this moment
With every day and every sense
And I’ll put my world in your world
We are not alone –
in these times
For that reason I’ll put my hand in yours –
Side by side
We are not alone
We are not alone for all time
And we’ll share in this moment
With every day and every sense
I’ll take you with in my world
And I’ll show you who I am
‘Cause I love my life
And we’ll share in this moment
With every day and every sense
And I’ll put my world in your world

Favorite Things Friday

Helloooh my Dah'lings! Did you miss me? I missed YOU! I've been gone for the past 3 weeks enjoying the craziness of summer. I.AM.EXHAUSTED! But, a good kind of exhausted. And I can't believe it's already Friday! Which brings me to introducing you to some of my favorite things. Maybe they are some of your favorites, too!


I hadn't ever had these before, but Michael said they would be good food for the trek (Over 15 miles in one day!). They really do help give you the energy you need when you're hiking or climbing or whatever. I've got to say, they are REALLY good! They are like a cookie, a muffin, and a granola bar all smashed up together into one delicious package.  When you first take it out of the wrapper, your first impression is "Um...I'm supposed to eat this?" Haha! But I promise, they are really good. And they are filling! My favorites were the Blueberry Crisp, the White Chocolate and Macadamia, and there is some sort of coconut one...but I can't remember what it's called. (And I should totally be getting paid for this....hahah.) There are a zillion different flavors, they are probably all really good. 

2. Bath & Bodyworks Rio Rumberry
Holy heck...have you guys smelled this one yet!?! I am addicted. Seriously. One day I was grocery shopping and this lady runs by and she smelled so good! So, I yelled across the isle, "HEY, WHAT ARE YOU WEARING!?! IT SMELLS SOOOO GOOD!" and she yelled back, "I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S CALLED! IT'S THE NEW PURPLE ONE FROM BATH & BODY WORKS!!!". I'm sure the entire store enjoyed our conversation. Unfortunately for me, the nearest B & B is about 3 hours away. FORTUNATELY for me, my Mom had to make a trip to the big city and she offered to pick some up for me while she was there. I have gotten SOOOO many compliments on this one! It was passed around the family reunion several times amongst the gals...everyone loved it.

3. Einstein Brothers Bagels

Oh, mercy. When we were in Utah, my little brother wanted these for his Birthday breakfast. We went to Provo and got a box of bagels and some cream cheese. The Asiago cheese bagel was divine. I can still taste it. It haunts me. And the closest one is in Denver. *wiping away the tears*

DUDE. The honey almond and the strawberry cream cheeses were amazing, I could eat them by the spoon full. And gain twenty pounds from it.

4. Amanda Russel Workouts lose the 20 pounds gained from the cream cheese and bagels, I do the Amanda Russel workout videos. Which are all FREE at her website  or on youtube. (You can subscribe to her channel to never miss a new video!!!) I love this girl...she is awesome, just like her workouts! And she is REAL and totally adorbs. It's like you're best friends...just hanging out with her in her apartment like, "Hey, I'm bored. Let's work out!" I've been doing one of her videos every day and I can really tell a difference. My core has really tightened up and everything else has, too. (FINALLY!!!) I've already lost 3 inches from my waist...and guess what. I have deltoids, biceps AND triceps now! I like her videos because they are high intensity intervals with a little bit of rest in between them. Like...just enough rest to catch your breath, buck up and get at it again. So, you can get your workout done in like 20-30 minutes and still burn an INSANE amount of calories. And they go by SOOO fast! Here is an example for you! Enjoy!

5. CHOBANI Greek Yogurt


These are definitely another one of my favorite things and a household staple in the Brimhall fridge. Have you tried them yet? They are SOOO good. They are high protein (great for those post workout snacks!), all natural, and super rich and creamy. The vanilla kind is really good with some blueberries and cut up strawberries thrown in with it. I love finding things to eat that are DELISH and actually good for you! 

And there you have it, my friends! A few of my favorite things! Do you use any of them already? What are some of your favorite things???

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Desert Rain Designs Giveaway Winner!

Thank you to all of you who entered the Desert Rain Designs Jewelry Giveaway! And thank you to Melissa for such an awesome giveaway! Now, I know you're all dying to know who won, aren't you! And the winner is....{drum roll please!}


Katie from the Bell Family Blog who said:

Congratulations, Katie! I'll get you in touch with Melissa so you can claim your prize! 

Thanks again to everyone who entered! Don't forget, from now until July 20th, enter the code 4YEARS at checkout and receive 25% off your entire purchase!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

And Then, Brett Joined The Marines


Last week I had the opportunity to go up to Denver with my "little" brother Brett and my parents. He was going to be sworn into the United States Marine Corps, and then leave for about 3 months to Camp Pendelton for Boot Camp. It's still hard for me to believe that he's all grown up and gone. My little brother is a man. 

My other "little" brother Matt and his wife made a surprise trip from Provo, Utah to say good-bye to Brett. It was great to see them!

Saying good-bye to Whitney, Aaron and Kate. 

Brett is Aaron's hero. 

Matt and Jessica took Ethan up to Utah with them for basketball camp. It was hard for Ethan to say good-bye. 

Then we dropped Brett off in Pueblo with his Recruiter who then drove him up to Denver. We met them at his hotel later that evening and had a wonderful evening wandering around down town and the 16th Street Mall. I had never been there (Shame on me, we even lived in Denver for 4 years!). It was beautiful, and the lighting was perfect for pictures.

Dad, Brett, and Mom

They had these pretty pianos all over the streets and Brett, being the extremely talented person that he is, stopped and played for us. 

  I am really going to miss the sound of him playing the piano at my parents house.

 One last Father and Son talk.

And one last hug goodnight.

The next morning, we went to the MEPS office. We were scanned and checked, (and once they were sure we had no weapons) we went into the waiting area...anxious to get a glimpse of our Brett.

We got there at 9:30 a.m., the time his papers said we were supposed to be there. And then we waited for 6 hours in the waiting room for him to be sworn in. Typical. There were other families there doing the same thing with their sons, so it was nice to talk and swap stories as well as make some new friends and connections.

Finally, they called the families in and we all tried to hold back our tears. They were tears of many different emotions all at once. Tears from seeing our Brett, all grown up, making one of the biggest decisions of his life. Tears of fear, not knowing what the future holds at war, knowing he will be so far away from home. We will miss him so much!!! And of course, tears of joy, we are so very proud of him and his decision to serve our country.

All sworn in now. Thumbs up.

 Then, he was property of the United States of America.

We love you, Brett. You make us proud. See you in 12 weeks!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Just A Reminder! {Giveaway}

Hey! I just wanted to remind y'all about the Desert Rain Designs giveaway! The lucky winner gets to pick ANY item they want from her shop! Click {HERE} to enter! Hurry, it ends on Sunday!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Want To Change A Life Forever? Join Me! :)

I've been thinking about Stephen a lot lately. What would have happened to him if Brent and Amber hadn't opened their hearts and taken him in? He would have remained in the orphanage never to feel loved as a son, he never would have gotten a good education, or so many other blessings that came to him.

We were given a wonderful opportunity to help a child in need through an INCREDIBLE program called Children's Future International that my dear Aunt Helle Brimhall volunteers for.

In Stephen's honor, we are sponsoring a beautiful little 8 year old girl in Cambodia. When I received the Welcome Letter and saw the picture of this little girl, my eyes filled with tears and I knew that she was the one for our family. To protect her privacy, I won't give her name. Isn't she precious!?!


She and her sisters were orphaned a few years ago and have been living with her Grandmother in a shack lined with plastic bags.  Her youngest sister is still a toddler.They had nothing to eat and no other relatives to support them. Because of CFI, they now live near the center and she is able to go to school every day. It is so humbling to know that just a little donation every month can change a life, give an education and a meal, and a smile to a little girl's face. 

Helle was able to go to Cambodia and work personally at the CFI center, so I know that this is a real thing and not some sort of a scam. She knows these people, and has seen the impact that our help really does give them. This is why I am writing this post...hoping and praying that it will touch some of your hearts as well.




CFI also has many wonderful programs, like teaching hygiene to the people in the village... 

Providing bicycles for students in the villages to be able to get to school...

...and here is Jenny from Children's Future International, giving a tour of the school at the CFI center! Look how happy the kids are!

For more information, you can go to CFI's website,

We are always looking for a way to help others. But sometimes we look at all of the troubles of the world...the wars, the famines, the pictures of the starving children- and we get overwhelmed. We may think, "I am just one person, how can I make a difference?" And this, my friends, is how we CAN make a difference. We can give a child safety and security. We can give a child an education. We can give a child food in their little bellies. We can give them a smile. And most importantly, we can give them hope for their future. WE CAN CHANGE A LIFE!

So, if you are interested in joining me in this wonderful opportunity, please email me at, or leave me a comment and let me know how to get in touch with you! Thank you SOOOO much for stopping by to read this post! And if you can, please share this with your friends and family!
